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The Experience to Last a Lifetime!

Are you interested in being a 2025 Fair Ambassador Competitor?

2025 Ambassador of the Fair Program

The Palmerston Ambassador of the Fair competition is a wonderful way to develop leadership, public speaking and networking skills. Through this experience, you will have the opportunity to establish yourself as a young adult in our community. As an incentive, the Palmerston Agricultural Society will provide a $500 bursary to the Ambassador of the Fair at the end of his/her term for their contributions to the community. In addition, the Ambassador of the Fair will have the opportunity to represent the Palmerston Agricultural Society at the CNE Ambassadors of the Fairs competition in August 2026.

Competition Expectations:

  • Prior to August 20th, 2025, Ambassador of the Fair participants must be 17-22 years of age and Junior Ambassador of the Fair participants must be 8-12 years of age
  • The participant must have resided in Canada for the past 2 years
  • Ambassador of the Fair participants must present a three-minute speech on topic provided by the committee and Junior Ambassador of the Fair participants must present a one to two-minute speech on a topic provided by the committee; all speeches should reflect our community, the fair and/or agriculture
  • Participants must create a MeBoard showcasing fun facts about themselves and participants must submit 3 entries to the fair in a category of their choosing 
  • Participants must submit an application highlighting his/her education, community involvement, interests and accomplishments (applications will be made available in the spring) 
  • Ambassador of the Fair participants will engage in a 3-5 minute interview with the judges and Junior Ambassador of the Fair participants will engage in a 1-3 minute interview, elaborating on information from their MeBoard and application
  • Participants will be asked to answer an impromptu question during the evening program

The Ambassador of the Fair competition is a great way to meet people within our community and enjoy a fun-filled day. If you have any questions, please contact any Ambassador of the Fair committee member.

Registration deadline is Friday June 20, 2025

To register, please contact: Tate Driscoll at 519-588-8087,

The competition will be held Wednesday, August 20, 2025 at 7:30 pm in the Palmerston Community Centre. Admission is by donation.

Ambassador of the Fair Committee

Tate Driscoll, Janelle Hill, Chelsea Steenbergen, Jessica Cowan, Kathryn Alton, Chris Fotheringham, Danielle Schill, Jocelyn Schill, Rhonda Schill, Kim Moroz, Kim Dick, Rebecca Dick, Amber Johnson, Kaylee Rice, Peyton McBeth

Follow the Ambassador's on Facebook!