Advanced Prize List
Photography – Class O
2025 Class O: Photography
Committee: Marg Stevens (519-343-5883), Anne Horan, Deb Griffey, Christine Fotheringham, Diane Bakker, Sylvia Roberts
Rules – Please read carefully to avoid disqualification:
- Amateurs only – all pictures to be taken/created by exhibitor within the last two years. (Photos may be exhibited for one year only.)
- Prints must be mounted on black Bristol board with ½” or 1.3 cm border.
- Owners may put name and address on the back of photo.
- Photo size: 4×6 inches (24 square inches) or 4×4 inches (16 square inches) unless otherwise stated.
- One submission per category.
- Exhibitor tag to be attached to top right hand corner of photo and hanging downwards beside photo and not covering the photo or border.
- Feel free to crop photos when printing.
- Judges decisions are final.
- All exhibits must be placed by 9:30 am on Friday, August 22, 2025. Photos are to be picked up at 3:00 pm on Sunday, August 24, 2025.
Prizes: ~ 1st – $5.00; 2nd – $4.00; 3rd – $3.00; 4th – $2.00
- A child
- The face of a child
- Adult(s) with child/children
- Wonderful world of children – series of 3 prints
- Seniors
- Family
- A face (only a face) with character
- Playing dress-up—any age
- Emotion
- Life’s a grind—person and machine
- Selfie
- Companionship
- Teamwork
- Make me laugh
- Summer fun
- Vacation days—a series of 3 prints
- Water
- Sport—action
- Pets
- Livestock
- Farm Life
- Critters (1st prize winner – bonus prize of $10 donated by Alpaca Time Inc.)
- Seen better days—a structure
- A flower or plant—close-up
- Macro—anything close-up
- Wildlife—not birds
- Wildlife—birds
- Night scene
- Sunrise or sunset
- Waterfalls
- View from a high place
- Autumn
- Winter
- Landscape
- Seascape
- Reflection
- Shadow or silhouette
- Scene found in Minto Township (location to be printed on back of photo)
- Black and white photo
- One dominant colour
- A place of worship/reflection
- Something old—vehicle or implement
- An enlargement 8 x 10 inches
- Anything goes—including computer manipulated image
- Picture with a caption
- Tell me a story—series of 3 prints without captions
- Mmm…good
- Any picture taken by you more than 2 years ago and not previously exhibited
- Photographer’s choice
- Texture
- Any topic—series of 3 prints
- Canadian spirit
- Palmerston fair 2023
- Judges choice – best photo exhibited in this show (bonus prize ~ $25 donated by Chris Fotheringham)
New Exhibitors’ Section (First time exhibiting at the Palmerston Fair) ~ $25 prize for exhibitor with most points in this section. In case of a tie – prize money will be shared equally – Sponsored by Treecastle Acres
- Children
- Pets
- Farm life
- A flower or plant—close-up
- Sunrise or sunset
- Photographer’s choice
Class Special:
- To the exhibitors with the most points in Class O Photography: 1st – $50.00; 2nd – $40.00; 3rd – $30.00; 4th – $20.00. Prize monies donated by Absolutely Dogs Boarding Kennel, Noordcreek Farms Ltd., and Treecastle Acres.