Advanced Prize List

Photography – Class O

2025 Class O: Photography

Committee: Marg Stevens (519-343-5883), Anne Horan, Deb Griffey, Christine Fotheringham, Diane Bakker, Sylvia Roberts 

Rules – Please read carefully to avoid disqualification: 

  • Amateurs only – all pictures to be taken/created by exhibitor within the last two years. (Photos may be exhibited for one year only.)
  • Prints must be mounted on black Bristol board with ½” or 1.3 cm border. 
  • Owners may put name and address on the back of photo. 
  • Photo size: 4×6 inches (24 square inches) or 4×4 inches (16 square inches) unless otherwise stated.
  • One submission per category. 
  • Exhibitor tag to be attached to top right hand corner of photo and hanging downwards beside photo and not covering the photo or border. 
  • Feel free to crop photos when printing. 
  • Judges decisions are final. 
  • All exhibits must be placed by 9:30 am on Friday, August 22, 2025. Photos are to be picked up at 3:00 pm on Sunday, August 24, 2025.

Prizes:  ~ 1st – $5.00; 2nd – $4.00; 3rd – $3.00; 4th – $2.00

  1. A child
  2. The face of a child
  3. Adult(s) with child/children
  4. Wonderful world of children – series of 3 prints
  5. Seniors
  6. Family
  7. A face (only a face) with character
  8. Playing dress-up—any age
  9. Emotion
  10. Life’s a grind—person and machine
  11. Selfie
  12. Companionship
  13. Teamwork
  14. Make me laugh
  15. Summer fun
  16. Vacation days—a series of 3 prints
  17. Water 
  18. Sport—action
  19. Pets
  20. Livestock
  21. Farm Life
  22. Critters (1st prize winner – bonus prize of $10 donated by Alpaca Time Inc.) 
  23. Seen better days—a structure
  24. A flower or plant—close-up
  25. Macro—anything close-up
  26. Wildlife—not birds
  27. Wildlife—birds
  28. Night scene
  29. Sunrise or sunset
  30. Waterfalls
  31. View from a high place
  32. Autumn
  33. Winter
  34. Landscape
  35. Seascape
  36. Reflection
  37. Shadow or silhouette
  38. Scene found in Minto Township (location to be printed on back of photo)
  39. Black and white photo
  40. One dominant colour
  41. A place of worship/reflection
  42. Something old—vehicle or implement
  43. An enlargement 8 x 10 inches
  44. Anything goes—including computer manipulated image
  45. Picture with a caption
  46. Tell me a story—series of 3 prints without captions
  47. Mmm…good 
  48. Any picture taken by you more than 2 years ago and not previously exhibited
  49. Photographer’s choice
  50. Texture
  51. Any topic—series of 3 prints
  52. Canadian spirit
  53. Palmerston fair 2023
  54. Judges choice – best photo exhibited in this show (bonus prize ~ $25 donated by Chris Fotheringham)

New Exhibitors’ Section (First time exhibiting at the Palmerston Fair) ~ $25 prize for exhibitor with most points in this section. In case of a tie – prize money will be shared equally – Sponsored by Treecastle Acres

  1. Children
  2. Pets
  3. Farm life
  4. A flower or plant—close-up
  5. Sunrise or sunset
  6. Photographer’s choice

Class Special: 

  1. To the exhibitors with the most points in Class O Photography: 1st – $50.00; 2nd – $40.00; 3rd – $30.00; 4th – $20.00. Prize monies donated by Absolutely Dogs Boarding Kennel, Noordcreek Farms Ltd., and Treecastle Acres.

Exhibitor Entry Form

Get a head start on filling out your exhibitor entry form by completing the following form.