Advanced Prize List

Canning & Home Brewing – CLASS K1,K2,K3

2025 Class K-1: Canning

Committee: Leola Hartung (519-291-8833), Donna Turner, Susan Yungblut, Sheila Andriessen, Brenda Pfeffer

Rules:  All canning and preserves must be exhibited in clear, sealed, containers. No wax is permitted. New snap lids and rings are preferred. Please use an elastic to attach entry tag to the jar. If six (6) or more entries in a class, it will be split and given two first, second and third prizes.

Prizes:  ~ 1st – $5.00; 2nd – $4.00; 3rd – $3.00

  1. Apple sauce
  2. Sweet cherries
  3. Fruit cocktail
  4. Plums
  5. Raspberries
  6. Peaches
  7. Pears
  8. Freezer strawberry jam, uncooked
  9. Strawberry jam, cooked
  10. Peach jam
  11. Freezer peach jam, uncooked
  12. Rhubarb & pineapple jam
  13. Freezer strawberry rhubarb jam, uncooked
  14. Strawberry rhubarb jam, cooked
  15. Blueberry jam
  16. Marmalade
  17. Raspberry jam
  18. Freezer Raspberry jam, uncooked
  19. Any jam, labeled, not already listed
  20. Grape jelly
  21. Apple jelly
  22. Red pepper jelly – any flavour (name ingredients) 
  23. Any jelly, labeled, not already listed
  24. Regular dill pickles
  25. Garlic dill pickles
  26. Dill pickles—sliced & ready for a hamburger
  27. Bread & butter pickles
  28. Beet relish 
  29. Pickled beets
  30. Corn relish
  31. Hotdog/hamburger relish (no corn)
  32. Chili sauce
  33. Nine-day sweet pickles
  34. Icicle pickles
  35. Pickled hot peppers
  36. Pickled beans, no garlic
  37. Pickled beans, with garlic
  38. Salsa—mild
  39. Salsa—medium
  40. Salsa—hot
  41. Tomato juice
  42. Canned tomatoes
  43. BBQ Sauce
  44. Tomato ketchup
  45. Spaghetti sauce
  46. Salad dressing, cooked
  47. Pickled eggs

Class Specials

  1. ‘Gift Pack Competition’:  2025 Theme: It takes a Community. Judges select winner based on creativity, variety of home canned products, and includes an itemized description/cost.  Jars will not be opened. May include preserves and wine or beer. The first place winning basket will be retained by the Agricultural Society to be auctioned off on Saturday at 3:00 pm at the fair. Prizes: ~ 1st  $20 cash from the Agricultural Society; 2nd – $15 donated  by Agricultural Society; 3rd $10 donated by Agricultural Society
  2. First highest accumulated points in Class K-1. Prize donated by the Agricultural Society.
  3. Second highest accumulated points in Class K-1. Prize donated by the Agricultural Society.
  4. Third highest accumulated points in Class K-1. Prize donated by the Agricultural Society.

Pickles descriptions:

Icicle—long, slender slices of cucumber

Nine day—whole cucumber, sliced horizontally

Gherkin—a whole tiny cucumber

Dill—small uniform cucumber

2025 Class K-2:  Family Canning

Rules:  All canning and preserves must be exhibited in clear, sealed, containers. No wax is permitted. Please use elastic to attach entry tag to the jar. Canning & preserves are to be made together as a family activity with both adults and children or grandchildren participating.  

Prizes:  ~ 1st – $5.00; 2nd – $4.00; 3rd – $3.00

  1. Family favourite jam-any flavour, named fruit
  2. Family favourite pickles

2025 Class K-3:  Home Brewing –Wine/Liqueur/Beer

Rules: All entries must include two bottles of each, with each entry having an entry tag securely tied to one bottle and matching labels for the pair. Wine must be presented in 700- 750ml wine bottles. Liqueurs/beer may be in a smaller bottle.  

The first place winner of each class will be retained by the Palmerston Agricultural Society and auctioned off at 3:00 pm at the Auction of Champions on Saturday at the fair, in the Community Centre.

Prizes:  ~ 1st – $15.00; 2nd – $12.00; 3rd – $10.00

  1. Red wine 
  2. White wine
  3. White, dry
  4. White, medium dry
  5. Fruit wine, named
  6. Blush wine
  7. Liqueur, any flavour
  8. Liqueur, cream
  9. Liqueur, clear

Class Special:

  1. Sponsored by Argyle Wines—The top choice by the judge will win a special prize from Argyle Wines, Listowel.

Exhibitor Entry Form

Get a head start on filling out your exhibitor entry form by completing the following form.